Saturday, January 1, 2011

New 2011 Laws: California Driving Laws For 2011


New 2011 driving law changes. California drivers should learn 2011 car driving laws. See 2011 California driving laws disclaimer at bottom.

California Driver Instruction Permit: Motorcycle (AB 1952, Niello) This bill added Section 12509.5 to the
Vehicle Code, which lays out the age-specific requirements drivers must fulfill to obtain a
motorcycle instruction permit. Among those requirements for drivers younger than 21 years of age
is the successful completion of the motorcycle safety course administered by the CHP.

California Driver High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lanes  – New 2011 Laws (AB 1500, Lieu & SB 535, Yee) These bills extended
the life of the yellow and white clean air stickers for low emission vehicles. Vehicles bearing
these valid stickers can continue to access HOV lanes regardless of vehicle occupancy. Hybrids
with Yellow Clean Air Access stickers set to expire the beginning of January 2011 will be given a
six-month extension until July 1, 2011. White Clean Air Access stickers will be valid until Jan. 1,
2015. Additionally, SB 535 provides that starting in 2012, 40,000 HOV access stickers can be
issued to early purchasers of Enhanced Advanced Technology Partial Zero Emission Vehicles.

California Driver Emergency Alert System: Law Enforcement Officers (Blue Alert) – New 2011 Laws (SB 839, Runner) Much
like an AMBER Alert, this bill added Section 8594.5 to the Government Code. Activation of the
Emergency Alert System for a Blue Alert would occur if all of the following conditions are met:
· A law enforcement officer has been killed, suffers serious bodily injury, or is assaulted
with a deadly weapon, and the suspect has fled the scene of the offense.
· The investigating agency has determined that the suspect poses an imminent threat to the
public or other law enforcement personnel.
· A detailed description of the suspect’s vehicle or license plate is available for broadcast.
· Public dissemination of available information may help avert further harm or accelerate
apprehension of the suspect.

California Car Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) – New 2011 Laws (AB 584, Huber & AB 1781, Villines) Specific to
Amador County, the cities of Jackson, Sutter Creek, Amador and the city of Fresno, these two bills
allow for development of an NEV transportation plan within those communities until Jan. 1, 2016.
They also specifically require NEV operators to possess a California driver license and comply
with established financial liability requirements.

California Mobile Billboard Advertising Displays  – New 2011 Laws (AB 2756, Blumenfield) This bill created Section 395.5
of the Vehicle Code, which defines “mobile billboard advertising display” as an advertising
display that is attached to a wheeled, mobile, non-motorized vehicle that carries, pulls or transports
a sign or billboard and is for the primary purpose of advertising. This bill also amended Section
21100 of the Vehicle Code to give local authorities the ability to adopt rules/regulations by
ordinance/resolution to regulate mobile billboard advertising; this includes establishing penalties
that could authorize removal of the mobile billboard advertising display. In addition, VC Section
22651 was amended to say that the mobile billboard advertising display may be towed when left
parked or standing in violation of a local ordinance. Warning citations advising of the
consequences, including towing of the mobile billboard display, are sufficient enough warning to
the public.

2011 DUI Laws: Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Repeat Offenders (AB 1601, Hill) Section 23579 was added
to the Vehicle Code which authorizes the court to order a 10-year revocation of a driver’s license if
a person has been convicted of three or more DUIs. However, under this new law, a motorist will
be allowed to apply for reinstatement of his or her driver’s license with the Department of Motor
Vehicles (DMV) after five years if the person installs an Ignition Interlock Device (IID) in their
vehicle. It also allows the DMV to terminate the restricted license if the IID requirements are not
met. Should go into effect earlier but only goes into effect Jan 1, 2012.

California Motorcycle Exhaust Systems  – New 2011 Laws (SB 435, Pavley) It will be illegal to park, use or operate a
motorcycle registered in California, which does not bear the required applicable federal
Environmental Protection Agency exhaust system label consistent with federal regulations. This law
only applies to motorcycles manufactured on or after Jan. 1, 2013, or a motorcycle with after market
exhaust system equipment that is manufactured on or after Jan. 1, 2013.
These points are only a synopsis of the new laws listed here and only a partial list of new laws
adopted for 2011.

For more new and old law, andcomplete information on chaptered bills enacted in 2010 please refer to the
Legislative Counsel website at

2011 California driving laws disclaimer: Info here was obtained from other sources. Info NOT warranted. For details and or to verify the above draft driving info call your police department, other California transportation agency or Fran Clader Office of Media Relations
(916) 843-3310 601 N. 7th Street, Sacramento, CA 95811, and In Fairfield, Solano County, California the non emergency police number will probably be 707 428-7300. Posted by FixFairfield.Org blog, division of CBC Services, LLC, California.

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