Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Innovating Solano Agricultural Tourism Without Past Mistake

Solano County is looking to redefine Agricultural Tourism.  This looks promising as long as the County sticks with their promises (as we believe they will have learned from Fairfield's mistake).

Whichever innovative definition is picked for Solano agricultural tourism, please avoid the mistake Fairfield made. The goal is boosting the economy in the Solano agricultural areas. Remember that Fairfield promised businesses to improve central Fairfield. But Fairfield didn't follow through with their over decade old promise.

Meanwhile businesses invested in concrete and mortar expecting more retail shoppers to come after the promised redevelopment. This resulted in private real estate investors losing money since perhaps the year 2000, because expected retail buyers didn't show up as planned. Details are in the blog at

The prospects for innovating our agricultural area look very promising. We're guessing Solano County will keep their promise as voters won't allow a repeat of what the Fairfield City Council did. Thank You.

1 comment:

  1. Solano agriculture is filled with innovative potential. Also Solano farms, Solano vineyard, Solano orchards are new major population centers.
