Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Solano County Windmill Moratoriums Hurting Farm Values?

Won't Solano Windmill Moratoriums Hurt Farm Values?

There’s a moratorium on windmill installations. The windmills moratorium applies to commercial windmills for generating electricity for resale.

Meanwhile the Solano County Board of Supervisors is thinking of expanding the 200 feet limit to both sides of the Suisun and Rio Vista highway 12 as well. Solano windmills like to reach over 500 feet says Solano County Planning Department. 

The Solano windmill moratorium blog moratorium on windmill installations. The Solano County windmill moratorium will not only hurt say Montezuma Hill farmers but others too.  Plus the bad Solano drought conditions can hurt Solano agriculture land values in a wide range of fields from cattle ranchers, to orchards and even Suisun Duck Clubs.

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