Monday, December 12, 2011

Printed Copies Of Solano County News

Get the complete version of Solano County News.

Solano County News is at 707 427-6490 Visa, MasterCard and checks accepted.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Monday, July 4, 2011

Solano County's Election District Redistricting Will Change Solano

Is It True That Solano County's Election District Redistricting Will Change Solano Election Results?  Yes.

Will Solano County become more business friendly or not is yet too early to predict.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bookkeeper arrested on stealing $500,000 from elderly.

Next door in Napa county a book keeper was arrested for embezzling $500,000.  This is another elderly abuse crime.  Luckily Lois Wolk, California State Senator enacted new legislation making it more likely for elderly abuse to be discovered and punished.

More on Lois Wolk cracking down on Solano & Napa elderly abuse in Napa Valley Register and Solano's Daily Republic

Takes 37 Years For Murder Mystery To Be Solved. Solano Burial Finally Happened.

Over 36 years ago James Norris II disappeared.  James Norris II could not be identified from the many unsolved deaths found.

James Norris was just buried in Solano County's Rockville Cemetery with his loving mother Esperanza Norris.

Details on the interesting James Norris murder story at [a large portion of their Solano news articles require subscription or password].

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Great Solano County Links You May Have Missed

<*> Rancho Solano Golf Course Directory
<*> Solano Business www.Solano.Biz directory for Benicia, Dixon, Fairfield, Rio Vista, Suisun, Vacaville and Vallejo organizations in California.
<*> Solano Business Directory Best Solano business links and blogs.
<*> Solano Business News also posts Solano County business lists.
<*> Solano Genealogy Reference Directory <*> Fairfield Business Services Directory
<*> Filipino American Chamber of Commerce Directory of Fil-Am businesses…
<*> Hospital directory. Solano Napa Ratings
<*> Public Record Searches and
<*> Solano Westfield Shopping Mall Directory

Monday, February 28, 2011

Vacaville Transit Center Opening

Vacaville Transit Center is on 6 acres next to Allison Drive, south of Interstate 80. The $12 million Vacaville Transit Center will serve as Vacaville's transportation hub for Solano County's transportation system, Transit Manager Brian McLean said.

Vacaville Transit Center will offer 10 bus bays, five covered shelters, 20 van pool parking spaces, plus 200 car parking spaces.  Vacaville Transit Center will even have motion-activated and solar-powered LED lighting.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Solano Beauty Pageant Contest Picking Miss Solano

The Solano County Beauty Pageant Contest Is Picking Miss Solano

Solano County Beauty Pageant Contest is 7 p.m. Saturday at Vacaville Performing Arts Theatre, 1010 Ulatis Drive, Vacaville, CA

Solano County Beauty Pageant Contestants hoping to be crowned Miss Solano are:  Julianna Johnson, 18, Sasha Hao, 21, of Davis; Chelsea Sessoms, 21, of Dixon; and Kaitlyn Purdy, 21, Benicia, Kristina Luo, 22, Lily Chen, 22.

Sarah Palin said she's not planning to vie for the Miss Solano crown.  Check Fox News on the details (just kidding).

Monday, January 31, 2011

Lynch Canyon park above Vallejo reopens

Solano County's Lynch Canyon reopens Feb. 12, 2011.  For six months Solano County's Lynch Canyon's gates were closed due to local park budget constraints.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Philadelphia Growing Faster Than San Francisco

See Simple Chart On Philadelphia Growing Faster Than San Francisco

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Innovating Solano Agricultural Tourism Without Past Mistake

Solano County is looking to redefine Agricultural Tourism.  This looks promising as long as the County sticks with their promises (as we believe they will have learned from Fairfield's mistake).

Whichever innovative definition is picked for Solano agricultural tourism, please avoid the mistake Fairfield made. The goal is boosting the economy in the Solano agricultural areas. Remember that Fairfield promised businesses to improve central Fairfield. But Fairfield didn't follow through with their over decade old promise.

Meanwhile businesses invested in concrete and mortar expecting more retail shoppers to come after the promised redevelopment. This resulted in private real estate investors losing money since perhaps the year 2000, because expected retail buyers didn't show up as planned. Details are in the blog at

The prospects for innovating our agricultural area look very promising. We're guessing Solano County will keep their promise as voters won't allow a repeat of what the Fairfield City Council did. Thank You.

Solano County Administrator Michael Johnson Retiring

Solano County Administrator Michael Johnson Is Retiring

Many people will take his Solano County job for a lower salary considering Solano's economy. We also need to consider that there often is a greater percentage of unemployed people with fewer skills, than higher skills. So a big salary cut might not be realistic considering the importance of this job.  The best person will more than be able to save the county's budget, than what they earn in salary and benefits.