Sunday, July 14, 2013

False Advertising Taking Solano Employers To Contra Costa County?

Where are Solano County jobs going?

Pacific Business Centers appears to be illegally competing with CBC by doing things like stealing the trademark California Biz Centers TM.

Is False Advertising By PBC Really Taking Solano Employers To Contra Costa County?

Pacific Business Centers also advertises as if Pacific Business Centers had an office in Fairfield, California.  Google for office space rentals in Solano County cities and Pacific Business Centers will pop up.  Past requests on this issue have also not yet been resolved.

Aren't these pretentious actions by Pacific Business Centers unethical and also fraudulent?

Should there be an error in these allegations nothing is warranted: See www.NothingIsWarranted.Com on bad and poor faith actions committed by Pacific Business Centers. Is Pacific Business Centers preying on smaller companies?

The poster will be happy to make changes to this blog even if PBC cannot fully substantiate their ethical reasoning. The idea is perhaps PBC needs more time to show how they are ethical.  Ethics Anyone?

Do Your Online Research & See If Bad Faith Advertising Is Taking Solano Employers To Contra Costa County.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Construction permits in Solano County

Solano County needs to consider giving tax breaks to real estate developers that institute energy savings and their design.  while there are different tax credits, we also need more help from local government in this regard. It is hard to understand why energy efficient structures often have to pay the same taxes as those who cut costs on their construction, only to increase the energy cost burden upon the users of the properties that they built.

Now let's simply built in cost deductions for getting permits when developers are building energy efficient homes, and energy efficient commercial real estate in salon account.  This is something the city councils should take a look at in Fairfield, Vacaville and Dixon.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Free Invention Licenses From Solano County's Innovation Institute

Northern California Has An Interesting Program.

Fairfield's Invention Springboard Helps People Learn How To Make A Better World With Needed Technology:

It’s Better You Don’t Yet Have Invention Experience: 
Fairfield's Invention Springboard needs people to take a fresh look at how patents are used in the world.  You must possess lots of marketing experience. Great opportunity to learn and enter the booming field of new inventions. Invention Springboard seeks volunteers, entrepreneurs and students from Suisun, Benicia, Fairfield, Rio Vista,Vallejo, Dixon, Vacaville and Davis Yolo County.

If interested call 707 428-5000

Thursday, January 17, 2013

New Sales Tax Rates For Solano County & Nearby

Here Are The New Combined California & Local Sales Tax Rates For Solano County & Nearby

City New Code New Acronym Prior Rate New Rate

Fairfield (Solano Co) 337 FLDG 7.625% 8.625%

Healdsburg (Sonoma Co) 343 HDBG 8.25% 8.75%

(Contra Costa Co) 301 MGAG 8.50% 9.50%

(Contra Costa Co) 303 ORGT 8.50% 9.00%

Rio Vista (Solano Co) 339 RVGG 7.625% 8.375%

Sacramento (Sacramento Co) 322 SACG 8.00% 8.50%

Sebastopol (Sonoma Co) 345 SBCG 8.50% 9.00%

Vacaville (Solano Co) 341 VACG 7.625% 7.875%

Check with your Solano accountant for details and updates.