Saturday, October 30, 2010

Tue Polling Booths & Solano Candidate #Election #Results

Tuesday Solano election polling booth locations in Benicia, Dixon, Fairfield, Rio Vista, Suisun City, Vacaville and Vallejo Cast ballots for your candidates by 8PM Tue, Nov 2nd.

The Solano candidate election results will be updated periodically starting maybe under an hour after polls close Tue, Nov 2nd Will cover ballot results from Benicia, Dixon, Fairfield, Rio Vista, Suisun City, Vacaville and Vallejo voters.

With good weather predicted Solano election day, a good number of vote tallies are expected. 

Friday, October 29, 2010

Unemployed Have Smart Alternative.

Voters Want Gov Cutbacks. Unemployed Have Smart Alternative.

Solano voters are angry at Washington candidates for the growing budget deficit. Solano county and six of its seven cities are doing poorly too (Dixon, Vacaville, Fairfield, Rio Vista, Vallejo, Benicia).

The proven solution is for the ambitious Solano professionals to look at their resume for what skills they can market directly to Solano businesses or consumers. If a company could hire and resell their services, why not take matters into one’s own hands? 

With the flood of resumes for the few openings out there, it’s probably more time and cost effective to simply start one’s business even from one’s home.  Or utilize the special program from Solano Business Incubator, at California Business Center, which offers their Solano Virtual Office™.

There are countless possibilities.  Remember studies show that businesses starting in a lackluster economy are more likely to last in the long haul. Plus you get to finally become your own boss. 

Time to fill up the big empty space on that resume. How long will tax payers won’t keep funding?

Vacaville Reporter Article Says Economy Will Pick Up Some

See the full article about how the US economy (and hopefully our Solano economy as well) might be picking up, per a recent survey at

More Solano business news at

Solano Pro-Business Candidates Dilenna Harris and..! More Solano businesses means more Solano Job Openings.

It’s days until election day and many Vacaville businesses are voting for Dilenna Harris.

Per Solano election analysis Dilenna Harris might win at the Solano election ballot box - Dilenna Harris supports Vacaville small business development. The Solano Registrar of Voters will begin to post Solano election results around 8:30PM or later on Nov 2nd, election day.

Solano Election Night Results: Solano Registrar of Voters posts Solano election results after polls close.  The smart Solano voter will cast ballot votes for business friendly candidates like Solano Board of Supervisors John Vasquez, State Assembly person Mariko Yamada, Suisun mayor Pete Sanchez, Suisun Jane Day. Results might be published before 9PM. Visit your Solano newspaper. For central Solano County click Newspaper Vallejo newspaper

Remember, Solano start up businesses create more job openings. They need a good springboard, not anti business legislation.

Solano Elections: Mariko Yamada May Win Solano and Yolo Nov 2nd? Voting for Mariko Yamada candidate?

Mariko Yamada is much liked by the Solano and Yolo voters. Mariko Yamada is very pro small business development. Unofficial Solano election gossip says Mariko Yamada will win the election with the most votes. The Solano election is focusing on helping business to create more job openings. In other Solano elections the candidates that have shown strong interest in attracting more Solano businesses that will create more Solano job openings are:
• State Assembly District 8: Mariko Yamada
• Solano Board of Supervisors Election: John Vasquez – re-election
• Suisun Election: Suisun Mayor Pete Sanchez – re-election, Suisun City Council Jane Day – re-election
• Vacaville: Dilenna Harris for Vacaville mayor election. Curtis Hunt and Mike Fortney for Vacaville City Council election.

Vote For Mariko Yamada!

It’s days until election day and many Suisun businesses are voting for Pete Sanchez.

It’s days until election day and many Suisun businesses are voting for Pete Sanchez.

Per Solano election analysis Pete Sanchez might win at the Solano election ballot box - Pete Sanchez supports Suisun small business development. The Solano Registrar of Voters will begin to post Solano election results around 8:30PM or later on Nov 2nd, election day.

Solano Election Night Results: Solano Registrar of Voters posts Solano election results after polls close.  The smart Solano voter will cast ballot votes for business friendly candidates like Solano Board of Supervisors John Vasquez, State Assembly person Mariko Yamada, Suisun mayor Pete Sanchez, Suisun Jane Day. Results might be published before 9PM. Visit your Solano newspaper. For central Solano County click Newspaper Vallejo newspaper

Remember, Solano start up businesses create more job openings. They need a good springboard, not anti business legislation.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Best Solano Links

• Solano Dogs: www.SolanoDogs.BlogSpot.Com
• West Nile and Solano Mosquitoes Natural innovative tips to protect self from mosquitoes.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Suisun Election Predictions

Today's weather forecasts report 0% chance of rain election day Tue Nov 2nd. If enough people vote, we bet Mayor Pete Sanchez will get re-elected. Suisun City Councilwoman Jane Day should also get re-elected.

It's a toss up for the 2nd council seat between Don Spering, and Mike Hudson. We're guessing Don Spering will run in two years if he doesn't make it this time. Visit SuisunVoters.Com

Accuracy level for the Suisun Election Predictions? Mayor Pete Sanchez 80%, Councilwoman Jane Day 80%. That either Don Spering or Mike Hudson will win 85%. Republicans will take over the US senate 98%.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Time To Bring Indoor Solano Plants Inside From Garden

Indoor Solano Plants Need Special Care

Autumn is upon Solano County. Winter is around the corner. Night temperatures are hitting the 40's in Solano County. Some indoor plants don't tolerate going below 50 degrees. If you're not sure what a plant can take visit your Solano nursery, of just bring them inside. 

Some tips on bringing in household plants:
• Hose down the plant and its pot the day before. Hose off the bottom as well.
• Try giving the moved plant the same amount of light as before. As this often isn't possible, do as best you can.  Plants need light and can't just be put where you want them. Solano winters have less day light hours.  A thriving plant looks nicer near the window, than sickly away from the window in your Solano home.

Indoor Solano Plants Already Indoors:
• Take them out when it's warm and hose down the leaves to get off the dust.
• Don't leave in bright light if they aren't accustomed to it.  Avoid leaf burn.
• Make sure to bring them back in before it gets cold.

Solano temperatures in Dixon and Vacaville get colder, than Benicia, Fairfield, Rio Vista, Suisun and Vallejo as the latter are near the bay.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Solano home sales volume 20% down. Prices up 3%

Details on Sept 2010 Solano home sales at Vacaville Reporter. Other parts of the bay area had worse pockets.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Suisun Election YouTube: Mayor Pete Sanchez on Suisun City Councilman Mike Hudson

Suisun Mayor Pete Sanchez Endorses Suisun City Councilman Mike Hudson. See YouTube for Pete Sanchez's long list of reasons behind Pete's endorsement.

Mayor Pete Sanchez supporting City Council members Jane Day and Mike Hudson. Pete Sanchez goes into detail on the many things Mike is doing

More Suisun election information and

How does Fairfield look view neighboring Suisun’s election?

Friday, October 15, 2010

Solano County Election - Tue Nov 2nd

Future topics in the Solano County News can also cover Solano election predictions.

In Suisun elections, many Suisun voters are happy with how Suisun is doing despite tough economic times. If most of those who voted in past years actually vote again, many are predicting Suisun Mayor Pete Sanchez will get re-elected. Both Suisun City Council members Jane Day, and Mike Hudson also have a good chance, especially Jane Day. All the incumbents have Solano business experience.

Other topics include small businesses in Solano county, big Solano county companies, non-profit businesses in Solano County, Solano County demographics. Your input on needed topics will be appreciated.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fairfield Mother Killed Twin Baby Girls

Fairfield mother appears to have stabbed her twin 3-year-old daughters to death. Then she killing herself and setting fire to her apartment. Details at

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

New Solano Walmart gets an approval

Regional Water Quality Control Board voted to approve the Suisun Walmart project. More paper work is needed.

Walmart will now mitigate for some watercourse before Suisun Walmart can start construction.

Expect a 182,000-square-foot Suisun Walmart Supercenter by Walters Road Highway 12 in Suisun.

Suisun needs more tax revenue. The Fairfield Walmart by highway 12 and I-80 will close and move to Fairfield's North Texas Street.

Solano Police & Sheriff Links

Solano County Crime Links

Solano Towing:

Solano Concealed Weapons Permits: Before getting a gun, remember that lots of people get killed with their own guns when experienced criminals either escalate the problem, or take the gun from yourself. Be smart with guns!

Solano Bicycle Helmet Safety Laws:

Solano District Attorney:

Solano Emergency Services:

Solano Sheriff – Coroners Office: They police the area of Solano County outside the city limits for Benicia, Dixon, Fairfield, Rio Vista, Suisun City, Vacaville and Vallejo.

Solano Employers Want To Hire - Easy Solution

More money is needed for job creation. Solano businesses said they will hire more people if the government is willing to pay part of their salaries. Current programs are either paying too little, or only funding people employers feel might not even show up most days for work.

For example, we discovered businesses in the Solano Business Incubator would be interested in hiring 40 employees if the government created more salary subsidies. For example some believed the amount the government is now spending for the 99 weeks unemployment package would be enough incentive for Solano employers to receive as subsidy. That is if Uncle Sam gave the unemployment compensation to the employer instead of the worker, the companies could often hire these qualified people whose unemployment had not yet run out.

Waiting from Washington, DC on this one.

Solano City Budget Cut Backs

Solano Cities Having Tough Economic Time.

How do Solano County's other city's compare with Suisun? Vallejo is bankrupt. Can Rio Vista is in big trouble. Fairfield has had to make cuts, and should not be making cuts in their police department. Luckily Suisun has a balanced budget with no budget cuts. Dixon and Benicia need help.

Suisun City Council Election

In Suisun's election Jane Day, and Michael Hudson are planning to keep Suisun on the good course Suisun has taken in our very tough times. There have been no Suisun City lay offs and Suisun stays in the black, this beats the record for other Solano County cities.

The challengers Spering, Wilson and Cain stated more city redevelopment money needs to be spent on parts of Suisun City than the beautifully redone waterfront. Both incumbents however clearly pointed out that Suisun City is actively improving other parts of Suisun as is evident with Suisun bringing in more retail to other parts of Suisun outside downtown Suisun.

The Suisun waterfront is a major draw for the city for tourism, and other local visitors.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Vacaville Saying No To Medical Marijuana

City isn't happy about legalizing marijuana in Vacaville. Today's details at Vacaville's Reporter www.TheReporter.Com. Other Solano County cities Benicia, Dixon, Fairfield, Rio Vista, Suisun, Vacaville, plus neighboring Napa aren't exactly thrilled either. Yet more and more people are buying and using what they call "legalized marijuana". The conflict continues.